
We all struggle to create new habits in our life. We jump into with excitement and vigor, only to see the enthusiasm fade away when we realize the struggle. Even though we know how beneficial the new habit would be, our protective mechanisms kick in...

I always look forward to our Reflection Friday call. Our conversations bring new insights and challenge our old perspectives. As women, we’re quick to take on so many responsibilities. We’re superwomen! We can do it all (cheers and rah, rah for us!). We are quick to...

I never set New Year resolutions because they don’t work. Change takes some level of self-discipline, which doesn’t automatically come because of an artificial new beginning – i.e. the start of a new calendar year. Self-discipline comes from a deep desire for something to be...

Simon Sinek said, “Time is our most precious commodity”.  This couldn’t be truer for professional women. We are pulled in many directions between our personal and professional lives. Between the demands of family and business responsibilities, it’s sometimes a miracle we retain our sanity. So,...

  I have osteoporosis. I know this may be a strange way to start a blog on Joy, but it is very much related. I had been living with it for years because previous doctors never tested for it. When it was discovered, I needed medication...

Why is self-care so difficult for women? We are great in telling our friends they need to take care of themselves; we’re always there to care for others and sacrifice our own needs, yet when it comes to ourselves, we find excuses to not invest...

It is the solution to your business challenges Think about the last challenge you encountered in your business – slow growth, employee turnover, unmet client needs. Now think about how you approached the challenge – did you implement the same methods used in the past?...

Having a support system is especially important for female entrepreneurs. Who do you turn to for help?...