When Your Work Brings You Fulfillment, It Doesn’t Feel Like Work

When Your Work Brings You Fulfillment, It Doesn’t Feel Like Work

Is it the pandemic that has brought my motivation down or am I not as passionate about my work as I used to be? What an ironic question because my business purpose is to help people find fulfillment from their work. Over the past week, I’ve been noticing a shift in my motivation – I’m slower to get to my desk in the morning; not as clear on the value I bring to my market; not engaging with people as much as I love to. So, I spent an hour this morning thinking and journaling specifically around one of my programs I will be leading in October.

This program is my brainchild based on a fabulous book “Secrets of Six-Figure Women” by Barbara Stanny (Huson). I haven’t facilitated the workshop since the pandemic started, giving in to the belief that women aren’t spending money because of all the uncertainty we’re living in. The irony is that the program has a component about how to get past limiting beliefs.

Journaling is an important part of the program because it helps you look at a situation from different angles and let your emotions out. The process helped me realize that if I can’t put this belief aside and focus on what it is about the program that brings me joy, I’m never going to get anyone to sign up. So here’s what I realized in my journaling exercise.

What brings me joy from facilitating the Secrets of 6-Figure Women program is:

  • It helps women (and me) look at our lives in a new frame of reference. I’m always amazed by how much I learn each time I lead the workshop. The information is so rich and relevant.
  • When a woman signs up for this program, she’s saying “ENOUGH – I’m tired of playing it safe. I’m tired of the status quo. I deserve more from life, work, myself but I don’t know how to get it on my own.
  • The Secrets workshop isn’t about admitting your life is bad. Just the opposite – it’s about realizing your life is good and comfortable – AND – there is so much more waiting for you. There is so much more available to you and you’re ready for it, but you’re unsure of how to access it.
  • What I love about the Secrets workshop is that it isn’t one of those online programs you work through the information alone and never finish it. It’s a virtual program where you participate live, with other women who want more from their lives too. It weaves each participant into the life of the others. You become a cheerleader for your cohort members and they for you – as you walk down the path of growth and learning.
  • A community that is built on trust, transparency, and vulnerability is grounded and solid. The connections that are built over the 10-week program don’t end when it’s over. The end of the program brings a level of certainty that the relationships and bonds will continue. What I love most is the excitement for our quarterly alumni happy hour events. When you are a Secrets of 6-Figure Women graduate, you become part of the extended family of alumni and have the opportunity to build more relationships with other women who speak the same language as you do and who remains determined to implement the learning and methodology of the process into their daily life. From the first day of the program, you know that being a 6-Figure woman is an ongoing process that you’ll no longer have to work through it alone.


If this post resonates with you, you may be ready to start the journey to becoming a 6-figure woman. Please reach out to me at [email protected] and let’s explore if this program is right for you.

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